Stop Global Warming Virtual March09/25/08
THE WINDY CITY LOOKS MIGHTY PRETTYLast week, Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago announced a dramatic plan to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions, in an effort to stop global warming and become one of the greenest cities in the nation.
As the Associated Press reported: "The plan calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to three-fourths of 1990 levels by 2020 through more energy-efficient buildings, using clean and renewable energy sources improving transportation and reducing industrial pollution."
"We can't solve the world's climate change problem in Chicago, but we can do our part," said Mayor Daley. "We have a shared responsibility to protect our planet."
Visit for details on the Chicago Climate Action Plan, and what residents and businesses can do to help.
The US represents 4% of population, but emits 25% of worldwide greenhouse gases.
GREEN JOBS NOW!Are you ready to help build a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty? Then join tens of thousands of Americans for a national day of action, Green Jobs Now: A Day to Build the New Economy on September 27, 2008.
Sign the "I'm Ready" petition and learn more at Together we will send a message to Congress and the next president that we must stop global warming and build a new clean, green economy.
In 2006 renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies generated 8.5 million new jobs, nearly $970 billion in revenue, and more than $100 billion in industry profits.
PRESIDENTIAL CLIMATE ACTIONOur next president is going to have to take action to stop global warming during his first 100 days in office. Our friends working on the Presidential Climate Action Project (PCAP) have taken the lead to help the 44th president jump-start federal leadership on global warming.
PCAP has issued various proposals on how the president can take bold steps to stop global warming without further action by Congress. The project's goal is to do much of the homework the president will need for rapid action to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Check out the PCAP plan and make sure you vote November 4th. Our next president MUST take action to stop global warming immediately!
100 million trees are chopped down every year for junk mail sent to American homes. Stop your junk mail now at
NEW MARCHER SPOTLIGHT: BRETT DENNENThree cheers to singer-songwriter Brett Dennen, our latest Featured Marcher at Check out what Brett has to say about global warming:
"Many people still believe that global warming is a myth. As someone living in the United States, this is not surprising to me. Those of us that are concerned with the climate have the responsibility of teaching others.
We must practice what we teach, and teach with love. It is easy to preach your beliefs. It is easy to declare what you think is right and wrong. However, it can be difficult to do so in a way that doesn't make people defensive, and create divisions. It takes compassion, not criticism.
This cannot be an argument or a debate. This is not a political issue. This is an issue everyone will suffer from no matter who you are. We all share this earth and its resources. We must recognize our connectedness and use our strength as one planet to create change."
Keep Marching!Laurie
THE WINDY CITY LOOKS MIGHTY PRETTYLast week, Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago announced a dramatic plan to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions, in an effort to stop global warming and become one of the greenest cities in the nation.
As the Associated Press reported: "The plan calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to three-fourths of 1990 levels by 2020 through more energy-efficient buildings, using clean and renewable energy sources improving transportation and reducing industrial pollution."
"We can't solve the world's climate change problem in Chicago, but we can do our part," said Mayor Daley. "We have a shared responsibility to protect our planet."
Visit for details on the Chicago Climate Action Plan, and what residents and businesses can do to help.

The US represents 4% of population, but emits 25% of worldwide greenhouse gases.
GREEN JOBS NOW!Are you ready to help build a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty? Then join tens of thousands of Americans for a national day of action, Green Jobs Now: A Day to Build the New Economy on September 27, 2008.

Sign the "I'm Ready" petition and learn more at Together we will send a message to Congress and the next president that we must stop global warming and build a new clean, green economy.
In 2006 renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies generated 8.5 million new jobs, nearly $970 billion in revenue, and more than $100 billion in industry profits.
PRESIDENTIAL CLIMATE ACTIONOur next president is going to have to take action to stop global warming during his first 100 days in office. Our friends working on the Presidential Climate Action Project (PCAP) have taken the lead to help the 44th president jump-start federal leadership on global warming.
PCAP has issued various proposals on how the president can take bold steps to stop global warming without further action by Congress. The project's goal is to do much of the homework the president will need for rapid action to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Check out the PCAP plan and make sure you vote November 4th. Our next president MUST take action to stop global warming immediately!
100 million trees are chopped down every year for junk mail sent to American homes. Stop your junk mail now at
NEW MARCHER SPOTLIGHT: BRETT DENNENThree cheers to singer-songwriter Brett Dennen, our latest Featured Marcher at Check out what Brett has to say about global warming:
"Many people still believe that global warming is a myth. As someone living in the United States, this is not surprising to me. Those of us that are concerned with the climate have the responsibility of teaching others.

We must practice what we teach, and teach with love. It is easy to preach your beliefs. It is easy to declare what you think is right and wrong. However, it can be difficult to do so in a way that doesn't make people defensive, and create divisions. It takes compassion, not criticism.
This cannot be an argument or a debate. This is not a political issue. This is an issue everyone will suffer from no matter who you are. We all share this earth and its resources. We must recognize our connectedness and use our strength as one planet to create change."
Keep Marching!Laurie