2008年7月29日 星期二

to eric, 關於थीसिस फॉर्मेट...論文研究和寫作是研究所課業中最重要的一環,整個過程很寶貴,...



幾天前我寄給你天下經濟學人The Economist的首頁http://english.cw.com.tw/category.do?action=show&name=TheEconomist,事實上,它涵蓋甚廣,有幾個區塊The Economist、 Special FeaturesAcross The StraitCultureFinanceInsightTechnology、and Archive等。「天下」是好極的雜誌,你若常翻閱,可以知道台灣、中國大陸及世界重要國家的最新發展情況,開闊了全球視野,受益必多。特別是你主修經濟金融,宜保持寬廣的閱讀,盼望你常愉快閱讀。

媽媽上次和你通電話你說指導教授有點偷懶的說把已有的論文改一些數據就可以了。有無可能你聽錯了?教授指的要你to follow the standard thesis format 來寫作?(後面附件上有幾個Thesis Format links,包括在U Kent的theses and dissertations,請參考)。如果不是你弄錯教授的意思,那麼,他怎可如此教學生?你到U. Kent讀書,花費很昂貴的學費不只是為了一個學位呀,也是為深造求真正學問。論文研究和寫作是研究所課業中最重要的一環,整個過程很寶貴,讓你學習做學問的正確方法,特別是它讓你按邏輯有條理去蒐集、整理,去思考、推敲,去歸納、提出主張、結論;這也是養成你將來有好修養知道用條理方法去作人行事的先期教育,怎可輕忽?我很驚訝你教授的說法,甚為不解!另外,你說論文的要求字數約一萬兩千字,折合約不到十頁,我也認為太單薄,怕有錯,你最好再次問清楚。有些大學要求碩士論文為100 pages,這裡有一份詳細的正式 THESIS FORMAT and Template http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/medicine/units/medrehab/media/msc_rehab_thesis_guide.pdf http://www.umanitoba.ca/medrehab/msc/pdf%20files/thesis_template_2003.pdf
請打開先一閱(你自己應去找到U Kent你們經濟金融研究所要求的thesis format或幾篇先輩的論文一讀,照著做)。總之,你可以寫一封email或當面向指導教授再問清楚關於論文format 和字數的疑問,順便也作一次深入交談,教授會喜歡;確定無誤後,認真去寫作一篇好論文,不可馬虎,千萬不可等到寫好定稿才發覺做錯了,就太遲了。有一天你會發覺你做人行事比別人高明,就是從此時此地學習來的,一生一定受益。

Templeman Library - Kent Theses and Dissertations https://library.kent.ac.uk/library/info/ketheses.shtml
In the library are:
All theses submitted for higher degrees.
Dissertations for higher degrees, but only those of distinction standard from 1994 onwards.
Some extended essays or dissertations submitted as part of first degrees in certain subjects.
Local history dissertations, mainly diploma level.
They are all kept in the Library's basement store and may not be borrowed. To consult a thesis or dissertation, it is necessary to complete a request form (obtainable from the Enquiry Desk) and hand it in at the hatch in Lending Services. Please note that collections from the store are made twice a day from Monday to Friday at 9.30am and 2.30pm.
Records for all theses and dissertations are on the Library's computer catalogue and can be retrieved by author, title and in many cases by specific subject. Using any of these search techniques, you can restrict your search term.
A broad subject approach is also possible. Choose Keyword/Index Search and select Classmark Index Browse. A classmark search with UI6 will retrieve all theses and dissertations in International Relations. A complete list of thesis classmarks is shown below: https://library.kent.ac.uk/library/info/ketheses.shtml
http://www.googlesyndicatedsearch.com/u/kent?q=thesis+format&sa= go thesis format, by U. Kent Search
http://www.google.com.tw/search?hl=zh-TW&q=thesis+format&btnG=Google+%E6%90%9C%E5%B0%8B&meta=&aq=f by Google, key word: thesis format

THESIS FORMATS http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/medicine/units/medrehab/media/msc_rehab_thesis_guide.pdf
There are two formats that are currently accepted for the graduate program
through the School of Medical Rehabilitation; 1) the standard format and 2)
manuscript style format. The format is selected by the supervisor and student. In
addition, a Microsoft Word Thesis template is available for students to use to
facilitate formatting of the thesis proposal and final thesis. This template provides
for style, font, spacing, automatic Figure and Table numbering, as well as
automatic Table of Contents and Lists of Figures and Lists of Tables generation.
Standard Format ………