2008年12月13日 星期六


子惠思我,褰裳涉溱。 子不我思,豈無他人?狅童之狅也且!
子惠思我,褰裳涉洧。 子不我思,豈無他士?狅童之狅也且!

如果你愛我,就該提起長衫,渡過溱河來看我。 如果不愛我,難到沒有別人嗎?你真是個大傻瓜。
如果你愛我,就該提起長衫,渡過洧河來看我。 如果不愛我,難到沒有別人嗎?你真是個大傻瓜。
Lift Your Gown
Translated by Fu-Shiang Chia
If you love me, you'll lift your gown, Cross the River Zhen and come see me. If you don't love me, others will. Don't be such a stubborn child.
If you love me, you'll lift your gown, Cross the River Wei and come see me. If you don't love me, others will. Don't be such a stubborn child.
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發表時間: 週日, 2008-11-09 04:50 提交人: 倪宏坤
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