2007年9月14日 星期五

To a Daughter Leaving Home, by Linda Pastan

阿叡今天赴英國University of Kent at Canterbury 商學院就讀,主修International Economy and Financial management; 梁家阿彬同行到倫敦北方大學商學院研讀Marketing Management. 想起他們小時候在一起游嬉情景恍如昨日, 也想起Linda Pastan 寫的一首詩 To a Daughter Leaving Home:

To a Daughter Leaving Home, by Linda Pastan
When I taught you
at eight to ride
a bicycle、loping along
beside you
as you wobbled away
on two round wheels,
my own mouth rounding
in surprise when you pulled
ahead down the curved
path of the park,
I kept waiting
for the thud
of your crash as I
sprinted to catch up,
while you grew
smaller、more breakable
with distance,
for your life、screaming
with laughter,
the hair flapping
behind you like a
handkerchief waving

by Linda Pastan


翻譯你八歲那年 我教你騎腳踏車,邁著大步 傍著你,你搖搖擺擺 坐兩個圓輪而去,我自己圓著嘴 驚見你使勁 前行,順著彎曲的公園小徑,那時 我一直等待 那砰然一聲 你摔下來,便 衝著追上去,而你漸騎 漸遠,漸小,漸易破損,拼了命 踩上,踩下,尖聲 大笑,頭髮甩動 在背後,像一方 手帕揮舞著 再見。爾雅中英對照:彭鏡禧.夏燕生譯注《給要離家的女兒》

Linda Pastan (1932- )描述:
To a Daughter Leaving Home
To a Daughter Leaving HomeWhen I taught youat eight to ridea bicycle, loping alongbeside youas you wobbled awayon two round wheels,my own mouth roundingin surprise when you pulledahead down the curvedpath of the park,I kept waitingfor the thudof your crash as Isprinted to catch up,while you grewsmaller, more breakablewith distance,pumping, pumpingfor your life, screamingwith laughter,the hair flappingbehind you like ahandkerchief wavinggoodbye.

Analysis and comments on To A Daughter Leaving Home by Linda Pastan
Comment 2 of 3, added on May 16th, 2005 at 4:23 PM. To a Daughter Leaving Home is about parents having to let go. They teach their kids to be independent and when they finally are, parents want to be needed. They wait for their kids to crash and run back to them. Virginia from United States
Comment 1 of 3, added on April 16th, 2005 at 10:47 AM. Simple,precise little poem comparing a daughter learning to ride a bike to leaving home and the mother`s feelings towards it. It portrays the mother`s feeling of trepidation watching her daughter go through life`s process. rodger from Canada