2007年10月6日 星期六

A Congratulatory Remark


新郎友堂博士、新娘約文小姐、雙方家長、邱先生、邱夫人、Ms. Kehoe、各位親友貴賓:



孔友堂君Mr. Thomas B. Kehoe是愛爾蘭人,與約文係英國Exeter大學(University of Exeter)同學,他主修物理,得博士學位之後,現在英國Bath大學(University of Bath)擔任研究員,從事半導體方面的研發工作。
約文東吳大學經濟系畢業,曾任中華經濟研究院研究助理。赴英國Exeter大學讀書,得到了歐盟經濟碩士學位(MA in Economics of European Union)。回國之後先擔任行政院新聞局「英文台北紀事報」(Taipei Journal)採訪編輯,之後轉任新聞局「光華雜誌」(Sinorama Magazine)英文編輯,婚後她將前往英國。
我在此也要特別向邱先生、邱夫人表達崇敬和感謝,邱先生宜煜兄和我是台北工專的同學,今天的喜宴又把我帶回將近五十年前,我們同進工專,許多珍貴回憶,宜煜兄年紀比全班同學大一點,我們叫他「older」,意思是我們很尊敬他、很怕他;他做人做事都是我們的模範,平常大家太吵鬧,他大吼一聲『安靜』,我們都會乖乖安靜下來,他要求考試不可作弊,我們都聽他的話,其他事情也都如此。我要特別感謝老邱的是在我們工專畢業之後,他經常鼓勵我,叫我一定要到國外深造,他常說:「去!去!去!你一定要去國外繼續讀書」,當時我有點怕看到他,後來真的成行去美國讀書,得到學位,這都是他的鼓勵所賜,我始終感謝銘記在心,衷心感謝老邱和夫人。你們教育女兒有方, 其實老邱早就是一位良師益友, 我們同學很尊敬他。
我們也誠摯恭喜有堂先生遠在英國的家人和今晚代表在座的有堂先生的妹妹Ms. Kehoe,你們也是一樣多麼有福氣的人,教育了有高才識、品德高尚的有堂得博士學位,如今娶得美麗、才德兼具的中國女子約文為妻,天賜良緣,上天必賜福您們。




A Congratulatory Remark
On Thomas and Yuehwen’s Wedding
by C. Chiang 2004/5/15

It’s a great honor and pleasure for me to say a few words in English to congratulate this fine couple of newlyweds, the groom Dr. Thomas B. Kehoe and the bride Ms. Chu Yuehwen on their blissful wedding ceremony and their happy marriage and future sweet family as well.

All the distinguished guests, friends and relatives are gathering here tonight to express sincerely our best wishes to you, wishing you every happiness in your marriage and your bright lives together ahead. May joy and peace surround you, contentment and happiness always be with you.

There is a Chinese saying that a blessed marriage of two lovers who live thousand miles afar is linked up by a red string of the Heaven. Indeed, We believe in that there is a fortunate lot or lucky destiny by which people are brought together, such a good fortune is an amazing treasure of life. Just imaging how amazing it is that Yuehwen is a charming Chinese young lady from Taiwan who went to the University of Exeter in England for advanced study years ago, she met an Irish fine young man Thomas there, they have been knowing each other, falling in love with each other, then they are getting married today. What an amazing arrangement of the God to unite you as a fine couple, the husband and wife. May the Heaven’s love be with you forever. As you begin your life together, may each step you take bring you closer to happiness and closer to each other. There’s a beautiful future ahead of you and you’re wished a lifetime of happiness together. Congratulations!

Both of the groom and bride are very lucky, you are from very good and sweet families, having the best family education and almost the highest school education for both, Thomas obtained his Ph.D in physics from University of Exeter, and now he is a research fellow at University of Bath, and Yuehwen got her MA in Economics of European Union from the same University of Thomas’, she is now an English editor of Taipei Journal and Sinorama Magazine. We congratulate you on your academic and career achievements. We congratulate upon Thomas’ fortune for his marrying Yuehwen, a very charming, talent and virtue Chinese young lady, we also congratulate upon Yuehwen’s fortune for her marrying to Thomas, a very gentle and gifted Irish young scholar. Marriage joins two people in the circle of its love, marriage is a commitment to life, to the best that two people can find and bring out in each other, a joining that is promised for a lifetime.

Here I would like to read a poem of a traditional Irish marriage blessing to wish you a very happy and auspicious marriage and a joining harmonic life together for hundred years to come:

May God go with you and bless you,
May you see your children’s children,
May you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.

Congratulations! And thank you all.