2010年9月21日 星期二

William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer?

William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer?

About this talk

William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game.

About William Li

William Li heads the Angiogenesis Foundation, a nonprofit that is re-conceptualizing global disease fighting. Full bio and more links
Click here to find out more!

Interactive Transcript



William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer?20 分鐘 - 2010519


William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer?24 分鐘 - 2010517


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10 Feb 2010 ... If you block angiogenesis the cancer can't grow. "It's a tipping point between ... The good news, Li says, is that "we eat to starve cancer. ...boingboing.net/2010/02/10/highlights-from-ted.html - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容
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24 May 2010 ... Great TED Talk on staving cancer early with an antiangiogenesis diet. The video is 20 minutes, but very well worth watching.www.welikeitraw.com/.../can-we-eat-to-starve-cancer-william-li-on-treating-cancer-early-with-diet.html - 頁庫存檔
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17 May 2010 ... Craig Venter unveils "synthetic life" · CERN: HIT - A New Dimension In Cancer Therapy · William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? ...prep4md.blogspot.com/.../william-li-can-we-eat-to-starve-cancer.html - 頁庫存檔
201085... William Li: Can We Eat to Starve Cancer? 李威廉:我們能通過吃來餓死癌症嗎? 李威廉向我們展示了一個治療癌症的新途徑:利用我們對血管新生的知識 ...
whatever88ok.blogspot.com/.../william-li-can-we-eat-to-starve-cancer.html - 頁庫存檔
201093... William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? 分類:網路文章及影音圖片欣賞. 2010/09/01 17:23. 今日收到了一位馬來西亞的朋友寄給KuoKuo 的一封e-mail ...tw.myblog.yahoo.com/lisa012757/article?mid=2088&prev... - 頁庫存檔

1.        台灣的網頁
201093... William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? 分類:網路文章及影音圖片欣賞. 2010/09/01 17:23. 今日收到了一位馬來西亞的朋友寄給KuoKuo 的一封e-mail ...tw.myblog.yahoo.com/lisa012757/article?mid=2088&prev... - 頁庫存檔
Can we eat to starve cancer? 我們能藉著飲食餓死癌症嗎? 分類:美麗養生. 2010/08/18 05:57. William Li heads the Angiogenesis Foundation, a nonprofit that is ...tw.myblog.yahoo.com/ariliu3/article?mid=6993&prev=-1... - 頁庫存檔


Can we EAT to starve Cancer
? 我們能藉著飲食餓死癌症嗎?-- William Li. 李威廉報告 一項癌症治療的新思維:控制餵養腫瘤的微血管生成。 ...
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2010816... Frequent visits can boost your business to new heights. ... Can we EAT to starve Cancer? 我們能藉著飲食餓死癌症嗎?-- William Li · 做直銷的 ...
vemma2010.pixnet.net/blog/category/437482 - 頁庫存檔
2010817... William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? 身體組織的生長依賴血液的供應, 但是在某些情況下血管的增生對身體是有危害的, 特別是在腫瘤的生長上. ...scimage-tw.blogspot.com/.../william-li-can-we-eat-to-starve-cancer.html - 頁庫存檔
2010-06-01 19:32 William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? ?TEDtalk 好文轉寄. 威廉李向我們展示了一個治療癌症的新途徑:利用我們對血管新生的知識來對付給腫瘤 ...
blog.xuite.net/jt.jane/blog/35388636 - 頁庫存檔
8.        Can We | Facebook
William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? | Video on TED.com · www.ted.com. TED Talks William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other ...zh-tw.facebook.com/pages/Can-We/106135719415179?v...0 - 頁庫存檔
William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? | Video on TED.com · www.ted.com. TED Talks William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other ...zh-tw.facebook.com/posted.php?id=212682156100&share... - 頁庫存檔
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12 Feb 2010 ... “We are rating foods based on their cancer-fighting qualities,” Li said. “What we eat is really our chemotherapy three times a day.” ...www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2010/02/12/2003465782
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o3 Jun 2010 ... William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? ... Excessive angiogenesis drives diseases like cancer, blindness, obesity, arthritis, Alzheimer's, ...www.wretch.cc/blog/nikiistar92/7950864